Adobe illustrator
Learn Illustrator in 5 MINUTES! Beginner Tutorial - Bing video It is interesting how you can use all sorts of shapes in Adobe illustrator. It is like Dreamweaver but inst ead of code you just use your mouse to create lines and shapes . This program looks much similar to Dreamweaver so I am excited to see what I can create. Illustrator - Tutorial for Beginners in 10 MINUTES! [ 2020 ] - Bing video I like how some of the drawings don’t get pixilated when you zoom in. There is also a text option where you can put text i n that might come in handy. Adobe illustrator offers different brushes to work with. The brushes might take some getting used to, but I like that they smooth themselves out when you use them. Adobe Illustrator for Beginners - Sketch to Vector Tutorial - Bing video I like the inclusion of the lasso tool, that should come in handy. The pen tool sounds a little difficult so I should take the time to master it . It mi...