
Final Portfolio

  For my portfolio I created my own template, so I had more control over the colors and design.   Went with a more dark and muted color palette to match most of my work. I picked a light blue color for the header font and a white color font for the body text so writing stood out against the dark slides. The portfolio starts with an about me page and a table of condense. The artwork is organized from earliest created work to latest created work and showcases all my work from the semester.

Business Card

  The business cards were created using Adobe InDesign. For the first card I chose to have the card be vertical. I wanted to focus on an aesthetically pleasing color scheme. I used shapes to create a design to give something to look at. I had most of the composition be circles with some arrows. For the second card I made the card horizontal with a city skyline as the logo. For the back, I used a radial gradient with the colors from the f ront of the card.  

InDesign Videos

  Get Started with 10 Beginner Tips for InDesign - Bing video   One tool that might be hard to use is the drop shadow. This is probably because I am not quite sure how to use it. All the text options sound fun but also a little overwhelming. There are a lot of options to remember. I also think that the different ways to scale an image is going to take some getting used to. You must be careful if you accidentally cut off the image w hen you try to fix the image.   InDesign Business Card Design Tips & Tricks - InDesign Business Card Tutorial - Bing video   One thing I am worried about is coming up with a template that will be easy to create in InDesign. I also wonder what makes a good business card design. I also wonder how to create a bleed . I am not sure I did that right in class. Overall creating a business card does not seem too hard.   Adobe InDesign Tutorial for Beginners - 2022 - Bing video     The two-column view seems like a useful and easy to use tool. I like the A


  For my somewhere project I photos hoped myself into a scene from Spider-Man into the Spider-verse. I inserted a picture of myself and placed it over top a character in the scene then created a mask so that it w as just me in the photo. I then continued to play with the color balance , brightness, and exposure. I tried to give myself a blue tint and lower the contrast to that I fit in better with the picture . In hindsight I probably could have benefited from picking a non-animated movie to photoshop myself into, but all things considered I think it turned out ok.   

Photoshop 2

 I think this image would be the hardest to edit myself into because of the harsh lights and having to take into account all the little water drops.   This photo gives me an idea for a "somewhere" project. I choose it because I like the snowy landscape and the trees. This photo made me laugh. I am really interested in creating this illusion because I like the way the artist combines lights and visual effects. 

Photoshop Portrait

  Artist statement: My portrait is a picture of my Halloween costume face paint . I dressed up as a skeleton, so I had skeleton face paint on. I used split complementary colors picked from to fill in my portrait. I used the quick selection tool to pick what areas to fill in and then I used the fill tool to fill in the color. I went into select and mask and used brush tool and refine edge tool to fix stuff up.   

Photoshop Videos

  Photoshop Tutorial for Beginners 2022 | Everything You NEED to KNOW! - Bing video   I am excited to play around with the fonts in photoshop. There seems to be a lot of different tools to create different fonts. I like the different blending modes photoshop has to offer. The example in the video where the user uses a photo of light and makes it look natu ral is intriguing .     Photoshop Tutorial For Beginners - Top 10 Things Beginners Need to Know - Bing video   One thing that might be a little difficult is the different workspaces  in photoshop. I do not know which one we will be using in class. I like that there are many different layers, like a lot of different programs. I am a little worried about working with the saturation in layers.     Photoshop Art Tutorial: Beginner Friendly Tutorial - YouTube   The black masks seem like a fun tool I am just a little confused on how to work it. How do you control the color? Can you layer them? I am also excited to use diverse types of